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tgc - wir sehen mittel aus und die anderen sehen aus.

Current: bericht

tgc vs sucK

gespielt am: 24.03.2002
art: GTFL4
Bericht von: eddwardd
Am: 25.03.2002
ever heard of penisfencing or stuff?

everyfalls...i mean i decided to write
this war-report in english because it is so imprtant and we special are so extreme important.

all important teams write english on their pages and then everything is more important for everybody.

we played important 8-setup and team sucK then played too with 8 players which i think is important to say.
because when you think about that you will notice that then it was 8on8.
which is important for the fact that match is fair and that is important.
sd2: 100:40

was pair minutes too short because the suck-server was not right prepared.
i call this act of terrorism.
but ok not so schlimm...we just wonderd

players shot other players dead.
it's truly a brutal fuckin game this
tee eff zeh.

tgc used bc (battlecom) the first time and we were pissed to hear each others stupid voices and silly things we said.
somebody was always telling something and it was really shit.

please hold your mouth or do not use
battlecom next time. then you can say how much and what you want. thank you.

well: 90:0

battlecom was still on and shit.
i turned loudspeakers off and played so in front of me hin.

our team cappuerd the flag often and they came home with it.
i was conced away in a situation and my assault cannon was out of control and killed a team-member who had flag in his hand. then i was conced over cap-point i tried to throw the flag away righttimely but could not schaff it because it goed all so fast.

my defens-friends then returned a flag from ramproom to home by defending it hard and moshing dumb fuckers away. in this time i passed on on the empty flagroom and i happy was when flag was there again. when then first medic comed i shot him much in the head and into the bauch with big gun.

offense ruled. i hope they were quiet in battlecom.
defense ruled too.



importance-award to tgc and all fans and groupies.

thx to sucK-offense which attacked first time in well when sentry was on level 3 and all defenders on position.

important match in an important league and important win for important tgc.

thx to not so important sucK.

// this bericht was originally written by bimlnasr0V


>> tgc vs sucK 25.03.2002 20:55
ich kugel mich very important auf dem floor. :))
>> tgc vs sucK 26.03.2002 20:15
lol so geil =)
>> tgc vs sucK 27.03.2002 00:07
well boys this was so lange fällig u know...with this importance you have to use english. not shitty german.
im sure german its al-qaida or stuff...bomb it. thank you.
>> tgc vs sucK 29.03.2002 15:43
roofll... tell me ur drugs plz...
>> tgc vs sucK 31.03.2002 21:01
array is al-qaida stuff bomb it.
thank you.

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